Dr. Esmat advised In a formalmedia statement issued by the company on Thursday that the implementationperiod will be taken about 36 months, and the company already signed anagreement with the Islamic Development Bank for a loan of $ 457 million tocreate the new passenger terminal with a capacity of 10 million passengers andto increase the total capacity to 18 million passengers annually.
He also pointed out that anotheragreement was signed with the African Bank sign for a loan worth $ 140 million,of which $ 127 million for corridors 4 km and 13 million dollars for thetower's observation navigation length.
Heexplained that representatives of the International Bank for Reconstruction andDevelopment will visit projects co-financed by loans with the Ministry of CivilAviation during their visit to Egypt in the period from April 26thtill the 30th 2015, including Terminal 2, which is being implementedand its planned for a trial operation before the end of this year which shallbe accommodating 7.5 million passengers annually.